Cloud-Based Billing Desert POS Software

Swift and Seamless: Enjoy a quick and user-friendly billing experience.Empower Your Staff: Allow your team to focus on crafting ice creams and serving cakes.Time Efficiency: Minimize billing tasks, maximizing productive customer interactions.

Sweet Shop Software Features

Variations And Add-Ons

Seamlessly harness the power of intelliorder on your choice of Android device or laptop, creating an environment of efficiency while liberating valuable desk space. With its online functionality, intelliorder ensures your operations are always connected, enhancing your capacity to serve customers flawlessly. Embrace a new era of streamlined Point of Sale performance with intelliorder.

Stock Management & Low Stock Alert

Effortlessly generate invoices while on the go, maintaining real-time oversight of all active orders. Elevate customer experience by enabling seamless order pickup through direct connection between the bill and their Kitchen Order Token (KOT). Embrace the future of dynamic billing and order management with intelliorder.

Item Expiry Monitoring

Seamlessly harness the power of intelliorder on your choice of Android device or laptop, creating an environment of efficiency while liberating valuable desk space. With its online functionality, intelliorder ensures your operations are always connected, enhancing your capacity to serve customers flawlessly. Embrace a new era of streamlined Point of Sale performance with intelliorder.

Suggested Marketplace Services




Smart Scale




Tally Integration


Virtual wallet


Weighing Weight

Common Features IntelliOrder has

Monitor Dashboard

365 days support

Details Reporting

Prevent Theft

Supply Chain Management

Expenditure Management

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